Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Activity 4 - Unit 9 - Controversial issues

  • Choose a topic from the following list (or use one of your own):

Smoking in Public places - Domestic Violence - Global Warming

Capital Punishment - Violence in the Media

  • Write three short paragraphs indicating where you stand on those issues: the pros and cons, and a possible solution.
  • Post it here.
  • Identify your post.
  • Due date: Saturday, June 28.
  • Grade 2/10


Néstor A. said...

Global Warming

Enough evidence about that average global temperature has risen since the Revolution Industrial start, before this the changes in the weather were small. The impact of this event has suffered around the world and many people have been killed by hurricanes and storms, for example The Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in the United States.

The principal element contaminant is the atmospheric concentration of CO2, This gas have been the most important greenhouse gas, and the most dangerous for the ozone layer.
The agriculture is being affected by this change in the weather; entire harvests have been lost due to unexpected rains in some countries.

The problem is big, and everyone has to do something, we can help to planet us, we can reduce the consume of electricity, used your automobile only if is necessary; the CO2 of the car is the principal contaminant of the environmental.

If you want more information
Néstor A.

Unknown said...

Smoking in Public places

Im my personal opinión I detest the cigarette like the lies. Sincerely speaking I have smoked very few times in my life but never one cigarette complete. Some times I like to light the cigarette to others persons.

When the notice says: “NO SMOKING” I feel good and more even when I saw the same notice but in neon sign, I said that because for me is very disagreeable smelt it in places like restaurants, cinema, office, hospital and close places.

I think that the cigarrete is very bad for the health and for environmental health and some times it is cancer-causing. A possible solution? I don’t know, perhaps elimate complety all companies about that, but this never wills truth.

Laura Navas

Unknown said...

Smoking in public places

Smoking has been a very usual habit that we can observe in the most of the population, even in young people. To smoke has been considered something normal for the majority, and people often ignore smokers in spite of these are causing a harmful not only to their own healthy but to the others. On the other hand, smokers are generally inconsiderate because they smoke without worrying about their surroundings. However, for who do not smoke, to have to support the smoke is an unbearable situation. For this reason, smoking in public places has become to a controversial issue, and we ask ourselves what are its advantages and disadvantages to smoke in public places.

People before thought that an advantage of smoking can liberate their tension and can relax their mind (now, it is known this is not true). However, when people smoke in public places not only they damages their bodies but those of the people around them. Smokers should be aware that these places have many people including the children. If there is a smoker in a public places; the people around him (her) will automatically become the secondhand smoker, because the secondhand smoke causes a large number of health problems, for instance, lungs irritations, reduction of the oxygen in the blood, and the others diseases related to active or passive smoking.

I agree with people who think that one solution to this problem is whether governments ban smoking in public places, emitting laws about it. However, I think this is not too easy to execute it. In addition, I think government, companies, and citizen should do campaigns to avoid people from smoking, the person who cannot obey the rule should be punished, the movies creators should also be punished when they create movies which emphasize the use of cigarettes, and educate people in their early ages, among others possible solutions, should help to reduce the cigarettes consume in public places, and the consequences of smoking.


Anonymous said...

It is not a secret that even in actualitty, domestic violence can happen by diferent forms, such as psychological, emotional, or sexual abuse, and in some cases in diferent ways, as pushing, hitting, slapping, choking, kicking, or biting, threatening children or other family members, keeping or robering money, puts they down or makes them feel bad, forcing they to have sex or to do sexual acts they don't want or like, keeping from seeing friends, family or from going to study or work.

Although both men and women can be abused, most victims are women, an the problem is that in many cases the victims are affraid to talking or they think they are quilty, or they do not feel as a victim, so the abuser can continue injurying.

I think people should take care of be a victim of abuse if they avoid dating someone who is very jealous, will not let they break off the relationship, hurts they in any way, is violent, or brags about hurting other people, puts they down or make they feel bad, forces they to have sex or abuses drugs or alcohol; and one way to help is if you know someone whom you think is being abused as a friend, family member, you should call the police, or contact somebody to could help them. And, you have to ask the other for respect in orden to keep a healthy relationship.


Anonymous said...

Tell me how are your relationships and I say you how it is your life:

The human relationships are hard, problems,fears,frustrations its takes a turn in violence,lamentable everyday its something more common in our society.

Violence its not only phisical,this can be emotional too
and love neither be silly and unreal like a novel or on television because in some cases when do you love someone you
need say NO and discipline them but for that you don't hit anyone.

I believe that moral principles are importants for the quality in the relationships,to be patient,
gentle, generous and fair with the people around us its result of love.


Anonymous said...

Peace pipe:

Smoking is not only a bad habit, it's dangerous too.
Tabacco is the product highly addictive but it's socialy
accepted and legal too, everybody have right to smoke but without to affect health of other, when the people let smoke in public places affect people around them, chainsmokers must have their places to smoke like in others
countries where in some places smokers have an area without
disturb others with their can smoke.

The people need education for exercise your rights.


Anonymous said...

Smoking in public places
I think, Smoking has always been as a social problem. It´ s a drug that is considered be addictive. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug.
Smoking is an activity that is practiced by up to 1/3 of adult population. It can be a social activity which serves as a reinforcement of social structures. Smoking represents pleasure. It has been accepted into culture and had for a long time been something received in public without problem. Cigarettes smoking is the most form of smoking and it ´s associated of the modernity.
There are many forms to begin smoking. Many smokers begin smoking in social setting: restaurants, parties, bars. Offering a cigarette is often seen as an important rite of initiation, It can be a good excuse to start conversation with strangers in many settings : on the street, at the airport
For adolescents smoking can function as first step out of childhood or as an act of rebellion against the adult ´s words.
I think smoking is a controversial issue. Smoking can be a social activity but it is not accepted by the health´s associations. The more and more people are being affected by this bad social habit . There are evidences about smoking effects. Recently smoking has come to be viewed medical studies have proven that smoking is among the causes of diseases as lung cancer, heart attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Many governments are trying to deter people from smoking with anti-smoking campaigns in mass media to showing effects of smoking and to approve laws for stopping individuals smoking in indoor public places such as restaurants and educational institutions.

Anonymous said...

Smoking in public places

Today’s people are influenced by the society, especially young people who follow their friend’s habits. Frequently, these are bad habits that make health damages. I think smoking is a social addiction that is accepted for many people as something normal, but in effect it isn’t, in contrast to drugs which considered as a social problem or addiction.

When smokers are in public places, their habit affect the people who are near them, and many researches have proved that passive smokers are affected seriously when share closed places with them. I believe smoking don’t have any benefit, in effect, all around cigarette are bad. Smokers are always impregnated with smoke smell, frequently have yellow teeth, and the worst is the lung diseases they have, like emphysema, coughing and cancer.

Fortunately, there are many people worried about this topic and have forced changes to improve the social quality life. Recently many places have been declared “Smoke Free”, as an attempt to make aware smokers about the damage they make to other people and themselves too, although many people think, especially smokers, that that is a discriminatory action, but I believe this people will be grateful for in the future.


Patricia Murillo said...

Thanks everyone for sharing their opinion on these important issues that concern all of us both locally and internationally...