Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bonus Activity!!

For those who have missed an activity or want to improve their grade here is a Bonus Activity!

This Bonus Activity is about making Graphic Organizers (GO) & Time-Lines (TL).

Follow these steps:
  • Choose one of these topics:

Earthquakes (TL) - Hurricanes (TL)

Paulo Coelho’s Books (TL) - Inventions (TL)

Ecoturism in _______(GO) - Polemic Topic “___” (GO)

  • Classify your information carefully and make a GO or a TL in PPT.
  • Fit your info in 1 slide.
  • Make sure your slide has good letter size and enough color contrast between the letters and the background.
  • Due date: Any time.
  • Grade 2

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Forum 3 - Enjoying the World

The world has so many beautiful and exotic places, and we are so very lucky to live in one of the most wonderful countries on earth. Visit this site to enjoy some great pictures of beautiful landscapes.

We are a company called "USB Tours" and we need to organize a tour for a group of foreign visitors. What places would you recommend? Indicate the location and describe the places. Suggest sports and fun activities people can do in them. Also, include some possible risks and safety advice, as well as tips to make their trip an unforgettable experience!

Activity 5 - Unit 10 - Forum

  • Go to Forum 3 - Enjoying the World in this blog.
  • Participate and give your personal opinion on the topic.
  • At least two entries per participant.
  • Don’t forget to identify your post with your name.
  • Due date: Tuesday, July 7.
  • Grade 2/10

Activity 4 - Unit 9 - Controversial issues

  • Choose a topic from the following list (or use one of your own):

Smoking in Public places - Domestic Violence - Global Warming

Capital Punishment - Violence in the Media

  • Write three short paragraphs indicating where you stand on those issues: the pros and cons, and a possible solution.
  • Post it here.
  • Identify your post.
  • Due date: Saturday, June 28.
  • Grade 2/10

Forum 2 - Inventions and Technology

Some inventions have really changed society and made a big difference in the way we live nowadays. We of course can't do without the most recent ones such as the Internet and the cell phones. However, there are so many from the past that we sometimes forget about them. Check this link and you will find a few:

Share with the group your impressions in favor and against (pros & cons) of early inventions and/or modern technology. Have they done more good than harm? In what way have we benefitted from them?

Activity 3 - Unit 8 - Forum

  • Go to Forum 2 - Inventions and Technology in this blog.
  • Participate and give your personal opinion on the topic.
  • At least two entries per participant.
  • Don’t forget to identify your post with your name.
  • Due date: Saturday, June 21.
  • Grade 2/10

Activity 2 - Unit 7 - My favorite book!

  • Write one or two paragraphs about your favorite book and post it here.

  • Include book title, author and why you liked the book so much and what about the book touched you.

  • Don't forget to identify your post.

  • Due date: Saturday, June 7.

  • Grade 2/10

Forum 1 - Disasters and Emergencies

Tornados... Hurricanes...Floods...

Why do you think the news is often about disasters? Do you think that in Venezuela both the government and the population are prepared to deal with these tragic events? Elaborate.

Activity 1 - Unit 6 - Forum

  • Go to Forum 1 - Disasters and Emergencies in this blog.
  • Participate and give your personal opinion on the topic.
  • At least 2 entries per participant.
  • Don’t forget to identify your post with your name.
  • Forum closes on Sunday, June 1.
  • Grade: 2/10

About Homework & Activities...

When submitting your activities please note the following:

  • Follow instructions step by step.
  • Pay careful attention to syntax, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Format your Word docs using font Arial 12 and double space (for easier correction).
  • Name your docs like this Act#_U#_LastName
  • Clear and neat presentation is a must.
  • Make questions or comments about any activity in the posting of that specific activity.

Coffee Break

Share with us any links, tips, ideas or suggestions you may have about the content matter of our course!!

Comments & Questions

Feel free to post here any comments or questions that you may have about the dynamics or any other aspect of our class!!

Class Materials & Handouts

To access materials to print out before class or hand outs given in class, as well as additional materials, please go to and sign in on with the password given in class.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Evaluation & Grading Plan

This plan is available as a Word Doc in

Course Calendar

This suggested calendar is available in a Word Doc in


On this course we will be covering the second half of your textbook Top Notch 3 from Pearson Longman.

Here is the link for these series:

Go to Top Notch 3 Companion Website for additional practice of Units 6 to 10.