Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Activity 1 - Unit 6 - Forum

  • Go to Forum 1 - Disasters and Emergencies in this blog.
  • Participate and give your personal opinion on the topic.
  • At least 2 entries per participant.
  • Don’t forget to identify your post with your name.
  • Forum closes on Sunday, June 1.
  • Grade: 2/10


Anonymous said...

A Childhood experience.
The first news in the newspaper and on TV are often about disasters. Last night, reporters said that there was a flood in Indiana (USA) caused by a long period of rains. The flood left a large number of people homeless, there had not been any missing victims.
The TV footage of the flood reminded me of when I was a child, my family and I were living in my grandfather´s estate near the river. We were been there on vacation in August. It was very funny to stay there, because there were many interesting things to do and to see. I remember that it was winter and it was raining for three days, the river had overflown. All roads and houses were flooded. It seems, this was an usual event in this neighborhood. All people were moved in wood boats to the next village. The flooding was a nice experience for me but a very awful one for my parents.

Patricia Murillo said...

Arminda, I understand your parents, but I also understand you as a child. When we are little we don't have a real perspective on certain things and we find these events amusing because we are not aware of how dangerous these situations are.